This is where Leopold Senghor - the first President of Senegal grew up - in y host family's village Dialor.

Basil - the guardian and gardener of the house.


Me, Cecily, and Marianne cracking peanuts with the fam.

Robert, Cecily, me, and Rakkuyah (?). Shes the one who kept demanding I teach her how to dance in a club! Haha, me of all people!

Me and Marianne in a little pirogue on oneof the ocean inlets. I caught a crab with that stick!!!

Marianne's home in Dialor. We always ate outside in the garden.

I told Nancy I'd pay for her burger if she ate a heaping spoonful of pimon sauce (super super spicy!) and she's trying to do it here!! She finally did!

Raphael (the British voyageur, me, Nancy, & Rebecca leaving Ile de Ngor)

This is off the coast of Ile de Ngor.

Me & Rebecca on the pirogue going from Dakar to Ile de Ngor.
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